When Will “The Avengers” be on Netflix Streaming?

The Marvel Studios movie The Avengers is the biggest movie of the year. It brought in over $1.5 billion in worldwide box office sales and is ranked #3 all-time (without adjusting for inflation, which you should) in that respect.  Many people are anticipating watching it in their homes – either as a rental, purchase, or through a streaming service, such as Netflix.

Earlier this summer, both Thor and Captain America were available on Netflix streaming.

  • Thor was released for DVD on September 13, 2011. It was available on the Netflix streaming service on June 9, 2012.
  • Captain America was released for DVD on October 25, 2011. It was available on the Netflix streaming service on July 28, 2012.

The reason why and how Netflix gets these movies for their streaming service is a little confusing. Marvel Studios is owned by the Walt Disney Company. They had used Paramount Pictures to handle distribution of the Marvel Studios movies. Paramount entered an agreement with Netflix to deliver movies to their streaming platform. But, since Paramount’s parent company, Viacom, owns an online streaming service, Epix, Netflix has to wait in line. Instead of the standard 90 days after the DVD release date, the Marvel Studios movies have to wait 90 days after they are released on Epix to show up on the Netflix streaming service.

The Avengers was released on September 25, 2012 for DVD. If the past time between release on DVD and availability for streaming on Netflix holds as 4 days less than 9 months, it will be available on June 21, 2013.

Update: The Avengers was added to Netflix Streaming on June 25th, 2013.

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